Thanksgiving is a time for family, gratitude, and, of course, delicious feasts. As you prepare to
celebrate, don’t forget about the furry members of your family. Ensuring your pet’s safety during
this festive season is crucial. Here’s your comprehensive guide to pet safety and care during
Thanksgiving, featuring tips on dog boarding, cat boarding, and more.

1. Safe Feasting for Furry Friends

While we indulge in Thanksgiving delights, it’s essential to be mindful of what our pets
consume. Some human foods can be harmful to them. Keep these treats away from your pets:

– Chocolate
– Onions
– Garlic
– Grapes
– Raisins
– Bones

For a stress-free celebration, consider dog or cat boarding options, like those offered at Bayside
Pet Resort. This ensures your pets are in a secure environment while you enjoy your Thanksgiving feast.

2. Creating a Safe Haven at Home

Thanksgiving festivities can be overwhelming for pets. To create a safe space for them:
– Set up a quiet, cozy area away from the hustle and bustle.
– Keep decorations out of reach to prevent chewing or swallowing.
– Ensure your pets have proper identification, especially if guests are present.

3. Stress-Free Travel and Boarding Options

Traveling during the holidays? If your pets can’t join, explore reliable dog and cat boarding
facilities. Bayside Pet Resort offers top-notch pet care for the holidays, ensuring your furry
friends are in capable hands.
– Plan ahead and book your pet’s boarding well in advance.
– Ensure vaccinations are up-to-date.
– Pack familiar items like toys or blankets to provide a sense of comfort.

4. Post-Feast Exercise and Quality Time

After the Thanksgiving feast, engage in some post-meal activities with your pets. A brisk walk or
playtime in the backyard not only benefits them but also aids digestion.

Conclusion: Prioritize Your Pet’s Well-Being

Thanksgiving is a time to cherish every family member, including the four-legged ones.
Prioritize your pet’s safety and well-being with these tips, and for exceptional pet boarding and
care, trust Bayside Pet Resort to provide a home away from home for your furry friends during
the holidays.